Company Profile

Contact Data
The NAGA Group AG
Suhrenkamp 59,22335 Hamburg, Germany
+49 40 524 7791 0
+49 40 524 7791 11
Email (Investor Relations):
Email (Management Board):
Company Information
Establishment Date:
Country of incorporation:
Fiscal year end:
31 December
Accounting standard:
HGB (AG), IFRS (Group)
Consolidation requirement:
No (voluntary consolidation)
Board of Directors:
Octavian Patrascu (Chair.), Michalis Mylonas, Andreas Luecke
Supervisory Board:
Barry Rudolph (Chair.), Stefan Schütze (Dep. Chair), Eyal Wagner
Business Description
NAGA is an innovative fintech company that seamlessly connects personal finance transactions and investments through its social trading platform. The company's proprietary platform offers a range of products from stock trading, investments and cryptocurrencies to a physical VISA debit card. Additionally, the platform allows for exchanges with other traders, provides relevant information in the feed, and autocopy features for successful members' trades. NAGA is a synergistic total solution that is easily accessible and inclusive. It provides an improved foundation to trade, invest, network, earn and pay. This applies to both fiat and crypto products.
Details of the Share
Share capital:
225.645.514,00 EUR
Number of shares:
Shareholder Structure (08/2024)
NAGA Management
Fosun Fintech Holdings (HK) Ltd.
Apeiron Investments Ltd.
Free float
Key Trading Data
Trading venues:
XETRA, Tradegate, Frankfurt
Wolfgang Steubing AG
Des. Sponsor:
mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG
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